The HSA Theater is an intimate black box community theater located in the heart of Harlem. With programming for children and adults, the HSA Theater offers an array of performances for all ages and interests. The theater is available to individual artists, production companies, nonprofit organizations and corporate institutions that are interested in booking one-day to six-week events and it is rented with a standard lighting and sound system, that may be modified to meet your needs.
The theater’s proscenium seating accommodates 120 people. Facing a 40’ wide x 20’ deep stage (non-sprung wooden floor) traditionally used for dance (black marley flooring available), theater and concert performances, rehearsals, video, film and camera shoots.
Adjacent to the entrance/lobby, the box office seats two people and offers an internet connection for online ticket sale confirmation (laptop not included). The first floor dressing room comfortably accommodates up to six people, is primarily used for make-up and quick changes during performances and comes equipped with lights, mirrors, costume racks, and a microwave oven. The second-floor dressing room accommodates up to eight people and includes a restroom with a shower.
Permitted Uses:
Rehearsal, Special Events,
and Performances
Space & Amenities:
Dressing Rooms (2) 400 sq. feet (one with a restroom
and two showers)
Stage Area 40′ wide x 20′ deep
House Area 1,500 sq. feet