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PRICE: Over $40


Located in Manhattan
Beckett Theatre @ Theatre Row
410 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036
Now – Nov 11th, 2017
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All For One Theater presents “SQUEAMISH”, the new play starring two-time Tony nominee Alison Fraser (Secret Garden, The First Daughter Suite) at the Beckett Theatre at Theatre Row (410 West 42nd Street). This production, which runs from October 6 through November 11th, is the third psychological horror play from Aaron Mark, following his acclaimed Empanada Loca with Daphne Rubin-Vega and Another Medea with Tom Hewitt. Mr. Mark is also the director.
“SQUEAMISH” is the tale of an Upper West Side psychoanalyst, a long-time recovering alcoholic whose bloody quest for personal balance begins when she finds herself in the South Plains of Texas, off her meds, after her nephew’s suicide.
Tickets are $52.25 and are available by visiting or by calling (212) 239-6200.
For more information, visit

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