A dependable haven for artists in isolation, Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU), announces an initiative to create programs to specifically serve not-for-profit theater companies emerging from shutdown. With the goal to help restore the theater community in New York and beyond, TRU will host a Town Hall Open Discussion: What Producing Companies Need to Start Producing Again on Thursday August 26th, meet-and-greet at 5:30pm and the discussion starting at 6:00pm eastern time. All not-for-profit and fiscally sponsored companies in New York and beyond will be welcome and encouraged to participate for free, but please register at https://truonline.org/events/town-hall-1/ in order to be sent the Zoom link.
The Town Hall will be held virtually and companies are invited to talk about their experiences with shutdown and their plans for reopening, with a particular focus on finding solutions to any obstacles and challenges that may be holding them back. This initiative will be an opportunity for companies to learn from and find ways to help each other while TRU begins to explore programs that might serve and strengthen the not-for-profit community.
“This is going back to our roots at Theater Resources Unlimited – we started 28 years ago serving mostly small theater companies,” states TRU executive director Bob Ost. “Over the years we have grown and expanded our community to include commercial producers and self-producing artists. I think this is a time to bring back a focus on the needs of emerging theater companies, and even established companies that might benefit from support during this period of possible reopening.”
TRU will continue to host their Community Gatherings every Friday at 4:30pm ET via Zoom, to explore the creation of art and theater in the time of COVID-19. These crucial conversations will continue going forward as theater reopens. Ask questions, bring answers, be part of a community – it’s an opportunity to network with theater professionals and talk about keeping theater alive during shutdown, and what we are doing now, going forward.Videos of past Community Gatherings may be viewed on TRU’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/channel/UC43rsChi4fA23dNLeloaF_A/.