“Uncertain Terms,” the newest film from director Nathan Silver, centers on Robbie (David Dahlbom), a thirty-something Brooklynite who leaves the city for a refuge, except not one he belongs in. Rather, it’s a secluded home for pregnant teenagers run …Read more
“A Coffee in Berlin” chronicles a day in the life of young college dropout Niko (Tom Schilling); at its onset a day of no outsized significance but one that, through the accumulation of minor tragedies and major eccentricities, gradually takes on a s …Read more
Jeff Pinilla is the director of the acclaimed short film, “The Earth, the Way I Left It.” Centering on a grief-stricken young girl who encounters a mysterious visitor, Pinilla manages to tell a complex emotional narrative in a film without any dialo …Read more
In “Rigor Mortis,” an actor in decline named Chin (Siu-Ho Chin) moves into a decrepit apartment building, an emblem of industrial creepiness where his own decay is matched by the run-down facilities and the sadness of the few tenants that remain. It …Read more
The Soho International Film Festival just wrapped up after a week that showcased a diverse slate of films. The films I was able to see in this relative newcomer to the festival scene were something of a mixed bag, but the festival itself was enjoyab …Read more
“The Grand Seduction” opens with a sentimental flashback to the childhood of protagonist Murray French. Shot in the kind of rose-tinted cinematography seen on the Hallmark channel, the flashback shows the remote Canadian harbor of Tickle Head in the …Read more
Nicholas Wrathall is the director of the new documentary “Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia,” (opens in theaters on 05/23, read our review here) which chronicles the life of one of the most fascinating writers in American history. Wrathall cap …Read more
“Words and Pictures” is at its heart, a rather predictable rom-com, but made up with intellectual window-dressing that, along with its stars, becomes the main attraction. Clive Owen plays Jack Marcus, a former literary star and current English teach …Read more
Right from the title, “Growing Up and Other Lies” is dominated by questions of aging, change, and rites of passage. “Growing Up,” the new film from writer/directors Danny Jacobs and Darren Grodsky, the team behind 2008’s “Humboldt County,” is hardly …Read more
If you saw a marquee reading “The Angriest Man in Brooklyn,” starring Robin Williams and you immediately pictured a red in the face Williams spewing bile at a cabdriver, then well, you’d be pretty much right. This very scene occurs minutes into the …Read more