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Ballet Hispánico School of Dance ELEVATE! Summer Dance Boot Camp
Dance, Kids
PRICE: Over $40


Located in Manhattan
Ballet Hispanico
167 W 89th St, New York, NY 10024
Jul 29th, 2024 – Aug 2nd, 2024
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Ballet Hispánico School of Dance announces ELEVATE! Summer Dance Boot Camp, one-week intensive for dancers of all levels. Registration is open until July 15. Ballet Hispánico offers world-class teachers with an unparalleled passion for dance education and various options for children and young artists to improve technique. With no audition required, the intensive is ideal for beginner to advanced dancers ages 7-18.

ELEVATE! Summer Dance Boot Camp (Ages 7-18)
1-Week Intensive | Monday, July 29 – Friday, August 2, 2024
As America’s leading Latino dance organization, Ballet Hispánico’s unique ELEVATE! Summer Dance Boot Camp, one-week intensive for dancers of all levels that want to elevate their ballet and Spanish Dance training. With targeted classes this program allows dancers to improve specific elements of their technique, such as Braceo, Marcajes, Footwork, and Castanets for Spanish Dance, and allegro, Pre-Pointe/Pointe and artistry for ballet. Additional classes may include Stretch, Conditioning, and Modern.

For more information and to register, visit

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