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PRICE: $20-40


Located in Manhattan
Gene Frankel Theatre
24 Bond St, New York, NY 10012
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Constellations by Nick Payne

Starring Francesca Ravera and Michael Chinworth
Directed by Kim T. Sharp

What happens when an unlikely pair meets? Marianne (a physicist) and Roland (a beekeeper) have a chance encounter at a barbeque. As the play unfolds Marianne and Roland experience numerous possibilities of how their life and romance could have unfolded. Some are charming while others have a tragic outcome. Traveling over time and to multiple universes, Constellations explores free will vs destiny and love vs passion. An emotional rollercoaster with limitless possibilities.

The creative team includes scenic design by Jaime Terrazzino, lighting design by Madeleine Burrow and original music by Michael Chinworth.

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