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Located in Manhattan
Urban Stages
259 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001
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Rosa (Francesca Ravera), Vito’s estranged daughter, rushes to her dad’s bedside, where she meets her grandmother, Nonna, whom she describes as a wrinkled black olive, and Vito’s second wife, Cinzella, who sweeps in wearing a fox-fur coat.

Lucia Frangione’s ESPRESSO explores the relationship between patriarchy, Christianity and Eros through three women of the Italian-Canadian Dolores family, all three portrayed by one actor (Francesca Ravera). Amante (Jesse Koehler) shares the stage and the storytelling with Rosa. He’s the Holy Spirit. He’s also the embodiment of Eros: his name means “lover.” Amante is Rosa’s torment, witness and gate-keeper throughout her journey toward release.

Through the experiences of Rosa, Nonna and Cinzella, this play takes audiences on a sensual and heartfelt journey of love and healing that is inspired by tragedy and met with grace and humour.

Directed by Kim T. Sharp.

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