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PRICE: $20-40


Located in Brooklyn
Brooklyn Art Haus
24 Marcy Avenue, New York, 11211
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GALATEA 2.0 is a modern speculation on the “Pygmalion” myth, a deconstruction of the muse/artist relationship, and an exploration of intimacy that merges Mrs. Patrick Campbell/George Bernard Shaw, found text, incel culture, lots of blue Gatorade, puppetry, plinths, and a very old Pekinese. The show chronicles Eliza, a sex worker hired by a disaffected young man to role play as a top of the line “love doll” when his own doll mysteriously breaks.

Written by Sophie Dushko
Directed by C.C. Kellogg
Produced by Invulnerable Nothings

The production features Meg MacCary as Mrs. Pat and Vincent Santvoord as Henry/ Shaw/Pygmalion. Izabel Mar and Violet Savage will share the dual roles of Galatea and Eliza, for which they will flip a coin on stage directly before each show, determining which part–love doll or human woman–each actor will embody during that particular performance.

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