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Lake of Sorrows
PRICE: $20-40


Located in Manhattan
Hudson Guild Theater
441 W 26th St.
Now – Aug 26th, 2017
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New adaptation “The Lake of Sorrows” expands on Swan Lake’s dark essence

“The Lake of Sorrows” re-tells the story of “Swan Lake”, the ballet made famous by composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, in music, dance, and spoken word. It is a cautionary tale about love. This stirring adaptation also elaborates on the villain Rothbart, trying to better understand his motivations in cursing a seemingly innocent young woman.

A collaborative trio – playwright E. Thomalen, director and choreographer Andrea Andresakis, and composer Edward W. Hardy – will present “The Lake of Sorrows” an adaptation of the timeless ballet, “Swan Lake” as part of the annual Summerfest New York Theater Festival.

Performed by: Derek Nicoletto, Anie Delgado, Zoe Lau, Trevor Van Uden, Kelly Vaghenas, Joseph Rose, Nina Deacon, Song Ravinan, Lalasa Cuomo, Michael Gene Jacobs, Erica Moore

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