The Maids, notorious classic by Jean Genet, is as relevant today as ever. Performed in the intimate ensemble style you’ve come to love from The Seeing Place.
In The Maids, Solange and Claire are two housemaids who construct elaborate sadomasochistic rituals when their mistress (Madame) is away. The focus of their role-playing is the murder of Madame, and they take turns portraying both sides of the power divide. Their deliberate pace and devotion to detail guarantees that they always fail to actualize their fantasies by ceremoniously “killing” Madame at the ritual’s denouement.
Solange Erin Cronican
Claire Gaia Visnar
Madame Christine Redhead
Playwright Jean Genet
Director & Producer Erin Cronican
Photography Russ Rowland
Lighting Design Eve Bandi
Sound Design Brandon Walker
Costume Design Erin Cronican
Scenic Design Mike Mroch