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The Trojan Women
PRICE: $20-40


Located in Manhattan
The Center at West Park (West Park Presbyterian Church)
165 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024
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In the days following the Trojan War, how do the women find the will to survive as they await their fate at the hands of the conquering Greeks? A story of women’s strength, hope, and community as their lives are uprooted.

Each Thursday, post-show forums will be held with individuals working in/with the refugee and immigrant communities. The goal is to raise awareness about women refugees in our modern political climate at the local, national, and international level and to create an opportunity for the arts to intersect with activism.

As part of The New Collectives’ 2017 season mission of giving back both artistically and financially, we will be collecting donations for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and Bond Street Theatre at the show through the sale of pins featuring text from the play.

Featuring: Joie Bauer*, Ashley Burroughs*, Julia Greer, Erika Grob, Marcie Henderson*, Sam Leichter*, Cerridwyn McCaffrey, Giverny Petitmermet, Portia Lee Rose, Anna Savant, Alejandra Venancio

Directed by Rachel Dart; Dramaturgy by Taylor Beidler; Stage Managed by Melissa Farinelli*; Music by Elizabeth May; Movement by Keri Setaro; Assistant Directed by Alexandra Guhde; Costume Design by Maggie McGrann; Lighting Design by Valerie Insardi; Sound Design by Robert A.K. Gonyo; Set/Prop Design by Dan Morrison

Produced by The New Collectives. Visit for more information.

*appearing courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association

•Equity approved showcase

•Theater is not wheelchair accessible

Please Note: this play includes on stage violence, direct references to sexual violence, and references to the atrocities committed in war.

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