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Water People Theater presents the New York Premiere of The Delicate Tears of the Waning Moon
PRICE: $20-40

Starting at $27

Located in Manhattan
Teatro Repertorio Español
138 E. 27th Street, NYC, 10016
Now – Jul 14th, 2024
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Water People Theater presents the New York Premiere of The Delicate Tears of the Waning Moon (Las Dedicadas Lágrimas de la Luna Menguante) from Thursday, July 11 to Sunday, July 14, 2024 at Teatro Repertorio Español, 138 E. 27th Street, NYC, 10016. Performances on Thursday and Friday will be at 7pm, Saturday at 8pm, and Sunday at 3pm. Tickets start at $27 and are available at

The Delicate Tears of the Waning Moon (Las Dedicadas Lágrimas de la Luna Menguante), inspired by true events, is about human rights violations suffered by those fighting for and communicating truth. The play follows Paulina, a human rights journalist and a determined advocate for victims of femicide and indigenous ethnicities, who has recently emerged from a coma after a brutal attack. She needs to recover her memory and reveal the truth to achieve justice. She only remembers her mother and her daughter. Rodrigo, by her side, makes unimaginable efforts to assist her. In The Delicate Tears of the Waning Moon, two journalists are immersed in a world of violence where cruelty is a habit, impunity is routine, freedom is a utopia, and telling the truth is the greatest risk.

The production inaugurated the 3rd edition of the 2019 International Theater Festival in Chicago at the Steppenwolf 1700 Theatre. Unanimously, specialized critics considered it powerful and poetically stirring. The Delicate Tears of the Waning Moon is written by Rebeca Alemán, directed by Iraida Tapias, and stars Rebeca Alemán as Paulina and Fernando Then as Rodrigo. The piece will be performed in Spanish with English translation.

“Any journalist seeing this show is going to have a visceral reaction, as well as admiration for its exploration of the compromises and deficiencies of courage that often beset even the best newsrooms.” — Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune

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Rebeca Alemán, founder and Executive Director of Water People Theater. She is an actress, writer, pianist, and journalist. Rebeca has played leading roles in over 38 theater productions, soap operas, and films, including those as Sor Juana Inés De La Cruz, Frida Kahlo, and Camila O’Gorman. She has produced and directed five short films focused on her passion for raising awareness for protecting children and families from violence around the world.

Venezuelan playwright, director, producer, and scriptwriter, Iraida Tapias is a Jeff Award Nominee for Best Director. With over 51 years of experience in theater, she has specialized in producing and directing plays by Spanish American authors, with a particular emphasis on Venezuelan playwrights. Iraida has authored seven plays and produced over 30 theatrical performances.

Water People Theater (WPT) is a Latina and immigrant-led nonprofit organization that believes in the transformative power of theater. WPT has produced socially engaged bilingual and inclusive programming for over two decades.

WPT’s mission is to leverage the power of high-quality performances and educational offerings to advance social values and defend human rights. WPT aims to inspire diverse audiences to become changemakers contributing to more equitable, just, and inclusive communities.

The name, “WATER PEOPLE” is born from Venezuelan roots and is inspired by the term that names one of our indigenous ethnicities: Yekuana, people on the wood that opens paths in the water.
The very essence of the organization is rooted in Venezuelan heritage, where WPT draw inspiration, passion, and a deep reverence for the stage. WPT is driven by an unwavering commitment to upholding Human Rights and embracing the principles of social and environmental responsibility.

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