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PRICE: $20-40

Tickets are $35.

Located in Manhattan
Women’s Project Theater
2162 Broadway

Now – Feb 2nd, 2019
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Inspired by the true story of New York City midwife and abortionist, Ann Trow Lohman, WICKEDEST WOMAN follows the epic story of Lohman’s life in the 1800’s. Known as “Madame Restell,” when Lohman started performing abortions in 1838, they were legal in the US. When she committed suicide, almost 40 years later at the end of her career, they were illegal. WICKEDEST WOMAN follows Lohman’s rise to notoriety and her struggle to keep her life intact as the scrutiny and even physical danger became ever more intense. A story about the history of abortions, reproductive rights, and a forgotten legacy.

Written by Jessica Bashline
Directed by Melissa Crespo

The cast features Jose-Maria Aguila, Luke Zimmerman, Emily Gardner Xu Hall, Dawn McGee, Evan Daves, and Jasmin Walker.

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