Don’t miss this first look of No Dancing Allowed by Earthbound Studio, a documentary co-executive produced by Works & Process investigating the intersection of street dance culture and governmental policies in New York City. Whether it was Lindy Hop in the 1920s or House in the 1990s, Street Dance has remained a ritual for Black communities despite its threatened survival. No Dancing Allowed is a story of ingenuity, culture, erasure, and, most of all, resilience.
Members of the creative team, including Sekou Heru, LaTasha Barnes, Mickey Davidson, Greg Miller, and the Earthbound team including Aidan Gibney, Jared Harbour, and Ellen Ling will participate in a moderated discussion and highlights from the documentary will be screened.
At 8 pm, head from the theater to the rotunda for a dance party, join the cipher with the Ladies of Hip-Hop and Dance Aloud with DJ Diyanna Monet and Host/MC Alora Tonielle! This all-female intergenerational dance collective creates dance works illuminating the strength, power, and diversity of women in Hip-Hop. Celebrate the freedom to dance in public spaces and pay homage to the resilience of the Street and Club Dance community, particularly the women who continue to create, collaborate, and thrive despite historical restrictions. This gathering transcends competition, spotlighting the power of community and shared artistic expression.
Ticket holders are welcome to explore exhibitions on view at the Guggenheim starting at 6 pm.
Tickets start at $15 and can be purchased at https://www.worksandprocess.org/calendar/works-and-process-at-the-guggenheim-nodancingallowed.