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Finian’s Rainbow: In Concert
PRICE: Over $40
Located in Manhattan
Finian’s Rainbow: In Concert
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adapted & directed by Charlotte Moore
musical direction by John Bell Choreography by Barry McNabb
Honoring board chair Ellen McCourt for her leadership and support over the past decade
MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 AT 7:00PM
The Town Hall
123 West 43rd Street New York, NY
Irish Rep cast members Melissa Errico, Malcolm Gets, David Staller and Max Von Essen reprise their original roles and are joined by Jim Norton as Finian and Megan Fairchild from New York City Ballet as Susan the Silent, plus a full chorus and a cast of Broadway stars!
The groundbreaking 1947 musical follows an Irishman who steals a feisty leprechaun’s pot of gold and escapes with his daughter, Sharon, to Missitucky, a mythical region in the United States that is part of the Jim Crow South. The daughter and the sprite each find romance with others, but also encounter bigotry, economic disparity and cultural injustice.
The score is spiked with such popular show tunes as “Old Devil Moon,” “How Are Things in Glocca Morra?” and “Look to the Rainbow,” plus spicy comic and satiric songs such as “When I’m Not Near the Girl I Love,” and “When the Idle Poor
Become the Idle Rich.”

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