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The Bad in Each Other
PRICE: $20-40

Tickets are available on a sliding scale from $15 to $35.

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The Bad in Each Other
Wed, Jul 24th 7:00pm
Fri, Jul 26th 7:00pm
Sat, Jul 27th 3:00pm
Mon, Jul 29th 7:00pm
Wed, Jul 31st 7:00pm
Fri, Aug 2nd 8:00pm
Sat, Aug 3rd 3:00pm
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What begins as a hot fling between Karma, the ultimate artist badass we all wish we could be, and Felix, the soft, privileged soyboy most of us are, evolves into a years-long passionate tug-of-war that consumes both parties as they struggle to reconcile their ideologies, lust, and exhaustion. What is creative success but a means to betray your ideals? What is activism if not a means to apologize for privilege? Can’t we just stay home and watch tv?

Written by Alexander Perez
Directed by Paula Ali
Featuring Cherrye J. Davis and Justy Kosek
Associate producer Hannah Sgambellone

*For audiences 18+. Content warning, includes strong language and sexual themes.

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