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March 12, 2014
Review: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

_DSC6701After all these years, it still rings true that many of the best films and plays are adaptations from books. This may be particularly true of the best children's plays and films: “The Wizard of Oz”, “Mary Poppins”, “Willy Wonka”, and so on.

In 1950, C.S. Lewis began the The Chronicles of Narnia series, of which "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is both the first and the most popular. It's the story of four young siblings moving into an old house and discovering an old wardrobe closet that turns out to be a secret passage to another world, known as Narnia. Thus begin the adventures of the four children, which span throughout their childhoods and into their adult years. At the end of the story, they return to their own world to find that once home, they are reverted back to being children.

Despite the grand scale of the Narnia series, this adaptation is scaled down to include just two actors, Abigail Taylor-Sansom and Dan Wilson, who do a superb job playing all the characters, as well as periodically stepping out of character to tell the story narration-style.

There is a wonderfully charming homespun quality to the show that harkens me back to my childhood when such simply elegant shows were more common. Over the years our tastes have changed, and our need for more splashiness has overtaken even children's entertainment. But it's refreshing to remember that our small children have not been so spoiled — at least not quite yet.

There is, perhaps, a slight disconnect in the fact that while the production is aesthetically scaled way down, making it ideal for the smallest children, the plot line itself is still rather complex and may be beyond the capabilities of a young child to follow. Nevertheless, the children in the audience found this 50-minute unfolding story captivating, as did many of their parents.

Saturdays at 11AM at St. Luke's Theatre.

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Written by: Lance Evans
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