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November 8, 2013
Review: The Mutilated

Mutilated06©Scott-Wynn"The Mutilated" is nothing but rough around the edges. The daring play by Tennessee Williams is bold, ugly, and throws a punch. In the New Ohio Theater's 38 year musical revival of this lesser known gem, creatively tackled by director Cosmin Chivu, we are taken to the crummy, downtown streets of 1940s New Orleans filled with booze, booty, and blues.

Celeste (Penny Arcade) with her screechy, catty voice, and seriously distracting bosom -- a good fit for the role -- exudes equal measures of comedy and craziness as she tries to swindle her way back to society after a stint in jail.  She is a drunk, a shoplifter, and a prostitute who is interested in nothing more but to bully and blackmail her desperate and lonely friend Trinket (Mink Stole).  Celeste publicly humiliates Trinket, revealing Trinket has a mutilation on her body, caused by her breast cancer. Though wealthy, Trinket has been stuck in her despair for years, and remains living in a rundown hotel in a shady part of town, trying to lure men into her bed by promising to pay for their company. Even though there is animosity between these two frenemies, the two have had a long -- and mutually parasitic -- relationship.  They’re the only two people in the world who accept each other for who they really are, and when they share a mystical experience together, nothing is the same again.

Chivu's production is fun to watch as it remains true to the original ambitions of the play -- part vaudeville, part burlesque, and part slapstick. The chorus is colorful and entertaining, and the blues band (Tin Pan) play an original score composed by Jesse Selengut to Williams' lyrics, which keeps the mood of the play raw and gritty. Both Arcade and Stole are well known avant-garde performers who bring authenticity and class to the stage. A special mention to the designer, Anka Lupes, who created an intricate and glowing set.

Performances of "The Mutilated" have been extended through December 1.  Check out our full event listing here:

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Written by: Inna Tsyrlin
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