How many musicals in Spanish can you think of? If the answer is zero, you might be onto something. Broadway musicals often get translated into several languages, including Spanish, but the number of original musicals in the language of Cervantes amou …Read more
As Fringe Encore is underway, the program’s co-creator Britt Lafield told us about what makes this year special, and how the shows get selected. What goes into the process of selecting the pieces for Encore? In selecting the pieces [co-creator Darren …Read more
Jérôme Bel’s provocative work has been taking the dance world by storm since he made his debut two decades ago. Working on the fringe of the field, he constantly challenges preconceptions on what exactly makes a dance piece “a dance piece”, by using …Read more
The Classical Theatre of Harlem welcomes playwright Betty Shamieh to the main stage this fall with her new play, Fit for a Queen, a passion project that she undertook more than a decade ago. From the time that Shamieh learned about one of the most po …Read more
“My wife is always telling me ‘don’t act silly’” says composer Robert Waldman when we speak on the phone, but as proved in his classic musical The Robber Bridegroom, there’s nothing wrong with his unique brand of silliness. “I get up very early in th …Read more
Puffs: or, Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic begins by introducing us to a boy we’re all familiar with, an orphaned infant with a scar on his forehead, the boy who lived. It is not about that boy. Matt Cox’s gen …Read more
“Stranger than fiction” doesn’t even come close to describing the surreal elements of the premise for Come From Away (reviewed here), a musical which chronicles how in the days after 9/11, thousands of airplane passengers whose flights were diverted …Read more
On October 14th, Colin Donnell will be joining The New York Pops on their season opener, The Musical World of Lerner and Loewe, which celebrates the 60th anniversary of My Fair Lady. I had a chance to speak to Donnell about reuniting with the Pops, a …Read more
At the ripe age of 27, actor and playwright Brian Quijada has turned his personal experiences growing up as a Latino kid in suburban Chicago into an autobiographical play with his own twist. Where Did We Sit on the Bus? explores the important questio …Read more
One of the true gems in the world of New York City off-off-Broadway theatre is La MaMa’s bi-annual Puppet Series, which is now kicking off the company’s 55th season. With a kaleidoscopic presentation of seventy productions upon its numerous stages in …Read more