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December 31, 2015
Interview: BroadwayCon Co-Creator Melissa Anelli on Fandom Etiquette, and What to Bring to the Event

LogoNobody does organized fandom better than Melissa Anelli, the popular author and webmistress, is also the co-owner of Mischief Management, the company behind conventions: LeakyCon, GeekyCon and starting in 2016, BroadwayCon. Anelli, who was one of the original Rentheads, befriended cast member Anthony Rapp, and together they devised an event for theatre lovers almost two decades in the making. From January 22-24, BroadwayCon will host more than one hundred panels, discussions and performances, with beloved artists like Judy Kuhn, Jonathan Groff, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Telly Leung, Lesli Margherita, Billy Porter, Gavin Creel, Rebecca Luker, and many more. Basically, if they’ve been on Broadway, they will most likely make an appearance.

Anelli shared her thoughts with us on why it took so long for something like BroadwayCon to happen, fandom etiquette and how theatre newbies will also have the time of their lives at the event.

Why do you think it’d taken so long for something like BroadwayCon to happen?

A lot of people had the idea; but an idea needs to hit the right group of people. I think we were the first group of people to have it who were also situated and motivated to make the event happen!

What has been the most challenging part of putting together the convention?

Creating a schedule that allows all the incredible talent who want to be involved to in the event to come and share their expertise and talents!

A portion of ticket sales will go to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, will there be tables at BroadwayCon where visitors can become even more involved in these causes?

Yes, we have a space in the Marketplace called Charity Row. This is a carryover from our other events; we offer charities very low cost space so that they can exhibit to attendees. Charity is a very big part of Mischief Management’s ethos.

Conventions are meant to bring people with the same interests together, but how would a complete theatre newbie enjoy something like BroadwayCon?

By just showing up. At every event we meet people who come in alone and leave with ten new friends; we see people who only have passing interest in one element come out with a new appreciation for something else. Just come, pick a few panels, and enjoy.

Is there one panel/show at BroadwayCon you’re dying to see? Or is this a Sophie’s Choice question?

The hardest irony of planning an event like this is that we, the organizers, who do it because we love it ourselves and try to create the events we would like to attend, don’t get to go to many (or in some cases any) of the events. But that’s hardly a complaint; creating these things for other fans is just as gratifying at times. That said, I definitely can’t wait to watch the Rent reunion and the Hamilton panel, and as always for a Mischief event, the opening ceremony is going to be amazing.

What are three things we should bring to BroadwayCon? A Red Bull for the late cabaret shows? Tap shoes over sneakers?

Your phone, so that you can use your app for the latest updates / take pics / take videos / use your social media. Your favorite Broadway-related costume. Your enthusiasm.

What would you say is the golden rule for being a good fan?

Remember that there was a time for all fans of things when they weren’t a fan of the thing; in other words, don’t judge fans for having less knowledge or less time inside a specific fandom. Being a fan only gets better when you share positive energy with fellow fans. Be welcoming, be nice, be willing to share, and be ready to be part of something huge together.

For tickets to BroadwayCon click here.

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Written by: Jose Solis
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