The acclaimed one-woman show One Funny Mother, now playing at New World Stages, welcomes you into the home of Dena Blizzard. Don’t mind the mess, this is her self-proclaimed “crazy town” and she is its self-appointed mayor. Dena has the day off, which she gets to spend at home folding laundry, getting dinner ready, and preparing for her big night out with the girls. As we travel with her through her day, she looks back at her single days of glory when she was crowned Miss New Jersey, through to her life now as a wife and mother of three with a serious penchant for wine, all the while considering the very real possibility that she may in fact, have just gone crazy.
As we journey through Dena’s day we become privy to the inner workings of socially acceptable breakdowns and embarrassing mother moments (don't tell the kids she's hiding a mini bottle of booze in the dollhouse and maybe a couple between the cushions on the couch). Dena bravely shares photos of her family and the unique – yet all too relatable – stories of what her kids thinks of her, what they’ll believe, and what her husband, Jim, does in his underwear. The show is interspersed with video footage on large screens where we are treated to real-life parents sharing moments of their own insanity and child-rearing skills and tactics.
Blizzard’s ability to engage an audience and keep their attention while getting the laughs is truly commendable. Her years of experience and skills as a comic are all too clear as she masterfully converses with audience members and uses her quick, sharp and ready wit to circle back to those she’s outed for many an improvised punchline that has the audience rolling in their seats.
There is never a dull moment as Dena holds her own and fills the stage with her irreverent humor. From a spirited “mom dance” to an outing where she hides Doritos in her car, Dena Blizzard is warm, truthful, relatable, an excellent laundry folder, and One Funny Mother.