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August 10, 2016
FringeNYC Interview: Meghan Rose on “Held”
Photo credit: Dan Myers
Photo credit: Dan Myers

The New York International Fringe Festival will bring 200 shows to NYC from August 12-28. We spoke with composer Meghan Rose about the musical Held.

What was the first musical that made you want to make musicals?

Phantom of the Opera. I fell in love with the music in 6th grade and didn't even see the show until I graduated high school.

Tell us about your show in 3 sentences or less.

Three childhood friends, one with extraordinary powers, find themselves trapped in a place where time seems to stand still and the only way out is unthinkable. Traveling on a twisted timeline, Held follows the three as they struggle to grow within the bonds of lifelong friendship and discover what really holds them together. A piano, a cello, and an upright bass accompany the cast through a poetic script and a striking romantic score.

Describe the sound of your musical, it's like _______ meets _________

Phantom of the Opera meets The Last Five Years.

Who is your favorite classic musical theater composer? And your favorite composer working today?

George Gershwin is my favorite classic musical theater composer. His love songs are so beautiful. My favorite composer working today is Stephen Sondheim. He hasn't retired yet!

Why is it important to bring your show to Fringe?

Our culture still doesn't tell enough stories about strong women and Held is a story about strong women and how we allow for evolution (or don't) in our intimate relationships. Sometimes in order to process difficult emotion, we need a story and music that mirrors how we feel. Anyone who has had an intimate friendship 'break up', an unrequited love, or an inability to handle their own emotions can relate to the characters in Held, and the music helps them express their deepest desires and fears.

What's next for the show?

We are recording a cast album literally the day after the first Fringe performance, and we plan to use that album, reviews and (hopefully positive) feedback from the show to approach investors for an Off-Broadway run. I'm very committed to doing another production in the city, whether it be at NYMF next year, producing a staged concert event, or something else. I'm open to any possibilities for growing the show and cultivating an audience. I believe Kelly Maxwell (my writing partner) and I have crafted a strong and beautiful piece, and that S.C. Lucier (my director) and I are crafting a creative and inspired production that I think could do well at an Off-Broadway theater.

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Written by: Jose Solis
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