In the 1970’s, Harvey Milk, a gay charismatic politican, was assassinated for being openly homosexual. Using him as a pivotal character, Jerry James, Laura I. Kramer, Ellen M. Schwartz, and Cheryl Stern created a musical entitled “A Letter To Harvey …Read more
Sometimes the charm of Off-Broadway theater is in doing a lot with a little. Often, the simpler it is, the more charming it is. There is virtually no scenery in Popcorn Falls, the new two-man show at The Davenport Theatre. When the ‘setting’ chang …Read more
What it’s about: Set in San Francisco in 1986, the musical centers around Harry (Adam Heller), an amiable but lonely retired kosher butcher, who enrolls in a writing class taught by Barbara (Julia Knitel), a young lesbian writing teacher, at the seni …Read more