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June 24, 2014
Review: The Retardedly Boring Misadventures of Apathy Boy

comic-book-theater-festivalI would seriously make Apathy Girl my superhero name, but unfortunately don't care enough to ever become a superhero in the first place. Thankfully, our titular character is more emotionally available, or else we wouldn't have a show to review here.

The Retardedly Boring Misadventures of Apathy Boy, penned by Skylar Fox and Simon Henriques and animated by Alex Lee, is like a hipster's wet dream, if hipsters cared about like, dreams and stuff. Apathy Boy doesn't care about anything; or, well, not anything in particular. He actually cares a lot about not caring, similar to the same horse-blinders attitude so many of us put on to deal with the reality that life can be mostly 'meh' at times. Of course, like any other Hot Topic-shopping angel of angst, Apathy Boy finally starts showing interest in things when a friend from school puts him on to something new. As the play progresses through animation, our apathetic anti-hero begins to realize that if he can't figure out what matters to him the most, he'll soon have nothing left to shrug at.

There was humor, there was apathy and empathy, and there were feels. Major feels. The play is split between two parallel universes, one of which is created by an autistic teenager as a way to express his non-feelings. I'm serious, this play would make Daria Morgendorffer herself troll the internets about the treatment of those suffering from Asperger's. And let's talk about the Inception-like plot points, too: how would you feel if someone started telling your life story, only for it to play out exactly as they say in your real-time currently life? Oh let me guess, you wouldn't care? *insert eye roll*

I enjoyed the play when I expected to merely shrug and polite clap; I enjoyed the performances when I was prepared to side-eye the acting; and most importantly, I look forward to Fox and Henriques' next production when before Thursday, I had little knowledge of them at all. To that, I would tell them congratulations, but who cares?

The Comic Book Theater Festival continues through June 29 at the Brick.

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Written by: A. Mia Logan
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