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June 16, 2014
Q&A with Playwright John Adams of "The Taste of It"

JohnAdams-TheTasteofItIn "The Taste of It", which recently had its world premiere at the Theatre 54 at Shetler Studios, playwright John Adams tells the story of an explosive 70s era romance between a brilliant dancer (Ross) and driven young director (Sheila) living in Boston. The production, which directed by Alex Levy and produced by Ballybeg, stars Briana Pozner (The Wundelsteipen/The Flea), Jean Tafler (Romeo & Juliet/Lucille Lortel Theater) and Landon G. Woodson (Bike America/Ma-Yi Theater Company).

Adams, an artist who has been successfully directing and producing for more than four decades, is also a producer and managing director for The JENA Company.  We asked him about the inspiration behind "The Taste of It", how the actors and director influenced the play, and his advice to emerging playwrights.

StageBuddy:  What inspired you to write "The Taste of It"?

John Adams: I’m from Boston, I knew the models for the characters. It was a story I wanted to tell, there in the background for years. Finally erupted.

SB: Who would be an equivalent modern day Ross and Sheila?

JA: No one famous. There are young artists passionately and competitively -- in love – with each other and their art – all around us, all over this country.

SB: How have the actors and director involved in this production influenced the play?

JA: The director was big – great editor, shaper, and inspiration. The actors bring a banging truth to the play based on their specific gifts and their own beings and hearts – a little different than I imagined, but banging true.

TheTasteofItSB: Who should see this show and why?

JA: This is an intimate show about a relationship – it’s up close and personal. It’s right there – you’re going to be moved.

SB: What advice do you have to playwrights about working in the industry?

JA: Take the time to develop the piece over time – let it rest/let it breathe. And find someone to work with you – a director, an editor – who loves the work but who’s tough on you too.


Playing at Theatre 54 at Shetler Studios through June 27th

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Written by: Glenn Quentin
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