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November 4, 2013
5 Reasons to Catch Stealin' Home

SHwCW970"Stealin' Home" by Fred Newman is an imagined exploration of what the heroic icon Jackie Robinson was like when he wasn't on the field.  And for those of you at a loss now that baseball season is over, now's the perfect time to catch this play at the Castillo Theater, which is running until November 24th.

1. Fred Newman

This playwright and director has over 30 highly original and entertaining plays that are deeply philosophical and accessible -- and "Stealin' Home" is one of his finest.  Newman (who received a Ph.D. in analytic philosophy and mathematics from Stanford) wrote articles on postmodern psychology and was a pioneer in the development of independent politics in the United States starting in the late 1970s.  A public philosopher who generated constant controversy throughout his career, he is one of the most important playwrights of the late 20th century.

2. Audiences Rave

Here are just a few things audience members have had to say about "Stealin' Home":

An extraordinary play  about friendship... very poignant, touching and controversial... gave you a lot to think about... it was like a great meal - full with all the right components.  I LOVED IT."

"A gem of a play for everyone who loves baseball and those who don't know anything about it."

“It’s a wonderful performance full of gusto, historical-political flare, flashbacks and even the music of Hendrix….hurry over to the Castillo Theatre to see this performance."

3. Castillo Theatre

Located in the All Stars Project's performing arts and development center in the heart of New York's theatre district, Castillo has produced over 175 productions -- from multicultural and avant-garde plays to musical theatre and performance art.  Castillo provides a creative environment in which people of all ages can produce and experience theatre that deals with contemporary and historical social issues.  Castillo also has a long tradition of using selected opening nights as an opportunity to recognize and support community-based, non-profit cultural organizations.

4. ALL-STAR Team

The team of creatives bring Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee to life in this beautiful depiction.  This All-Star team is led by the legendary director Charles Weldon.   The players are Ava Jenkins, Nick Webster, and Daniel Hickman as Mr. Robinson himself.  Stars you might not see at the theater, but who are responsible for weaving this production together include Bill Toles (Sound Design), Kerry Gibbons (Costume Design), Antoinette Tynes (Lighting Design), Keneth Horgan (Technical Director), Joseph Spirito (Set and Video Design), Garrett Guilbeau (Stage Manager), and Jessica Massad (Producer).

5. Jackie Robinson

An American baseball player who became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era, breaking the color barriers that had separated the sport for more than 50 years.  A legend of the Brooklyn Dodgers, he played himself in the 1950 Motion Picture "The Jackie Robinson Story".  According to a poll conducted in 1947, Robinson was the second most popular man in the country; he was named by Time Magazine as one the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Here are five reasons to go see "Stealin' Home", now playing at the Castillo Theatre.

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Written by: Glenn Quentin
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