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October 28, 2015
Book Review: “Seth’s Broadway Diary, Volume 2” by Seth Rudetsky

7ea621_6e61c57199d14464b8732e471f09d85d.png_srz_p_329_477_75_22_0.50_1.20_0One need not even care about Broadway or know who this author/musical director/TV and stage actor/voice coach/Sirius XM Broadway channel host/playwright/New York native/columnist/pianist/(I’m definitely forgetting a credit here)/gossipy funny man is to become fully engrossed in his book, Seth’s Broadway Diary, Volume 2. To be completely honest, when I first saw the book and its word-packed pages, I was a little daunted by its sheer size. "Could he really have THAT much more to say about Broadway?" I wondered. Then, I read the first few sentences and was already laughing audibly to myself. In short, Seth Rudetsky is "hi-larious" (and after reading Rudetsky’s book, I feel he deserves the patent for this word and its spelling).

Seth’s Broadway Diary is just that: a diary. Rudetsky writes as candidly and naturally as can be imagined, as if he is getting all the tidbits of his day out of his head and onto paper so that he won't later forget the juicy parts. There is no affectation and no apology, and he doesn't seem like someone who is hiding behind humor. Rudetsky comes across as a loyal and trusting friend who is only willing to spill the fun beans about those he cares about -- but he does not suffer fools gladly. If a celebrity, be him/her A list or D list, is a tad unpleasant, he’ll tell you about it matter-of-factly, without bitchy side comments and snarky judgements, which gives the book a great deal of credibility and appeal.  Simply put, the man is funny, honest, knows just about everyone in the New York theater world (and Hollywood), and whatever he knows, he tells.

The book is also the ultimate who’s who in New York theater. Through Rudetsky's tales the reader learns about the theaters, the companies, the people and the dynamics that make up the world stage that is Broadway, Off-Broadway and even nearby summer stock and Off-Off-Broadway houses. Seth’s Broadway Diary should be on the required reading list for all the theater-world hopefuls in New York City.

Seth's Broadway Diary, Volume 2 is available in paperback and Kindle from

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Written by: Heather Anne Chamberlain
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