Buried Child is suffused with doom. From the creaking foundations of the old house in which it is set, to the emotionally and physically crippled members of the family, the play grips you not in loud, overwrought tones, but in an insidious, mischievo …Read more
One of the sleepers of the off-Broadway season, Stephen Karam’s The Humans snagged the kinds of reviews that lead to Pulitzer talk (well, if Hamilton weren’t in the race) and uptown aspirations. Sure enough, the dysfunctional family comedy-drama, whi …Read more
Traveling to Britain in winter months is an economical way to experience the varied pleasures of London theatre, especially if you purchase your flight and lodging months in advance. Earlier this month I spent a week in London, checking in on a range …Read more
The acting in The Good Girl is often frustratingly projected slightly away from the audience and the staging is slightly unbalanced at times. It is worth making that the first line of this review, and getting it out of the way, elsewise it would be a …Read more
The term that most aptly defines Defendant Maurice Chevalier, Alexis Chevalier’s play about his great-granduncle, is structure; structure with regards to both the play itself and with regards to what this play represents. Regarding the play, it is th …Read more
Does the fact that there is a $55 billion-a-year beauty industry bother you? Do you ever wonder if you are wearing that lipstick because you chose it or if you’re just being controlled by a patriarchal consumer-driven society? Non-profit social theat …Read more
The decade characterized by its counter culture, rock and roll hedonism and civil rights movement would take a good few years from its onset to fully take shape. The early sixties, in many ways a covetous extension of the previous decade, were shaped …Read more
A set-piece in miniature, a school boarding house, emanates little glimmers of warmth as the window lights switch on one by one. The bare trees of Santo Loquasto’s set design suggest a cool, lonesome atmosphere by contrast. In Prodigal Son, presented …Read more
Annie Wilson’s Lovertits, presented by Bryn Mawr College Performing Arts Series, is not for the prudish. Under Wilson’s direction, performer/creators Christina Gesualdi, Jenna Horton, and Ilse Zoerb walk a thrilling line between pedestrianism and th …Read more
American Lyric Theater presented daring, new work by composers and librettists on Sunday, February 7 at National Sawdust in Williamsburg. Artistic Director Lawrence Edelson has done something visionary with ALT alumni teams, putting together a progra …Read more