How would you react after a terrible personal tragedy? Would you slip into a deep depression? In the new musical “Redwood” directed by Tina Landau at the Nederlander Theater, Idina Menzel’s Jesse rushes to get as far away as possible from her pain. I …Read more
As we approach Mother’s Day, it was fitting that two of the plays I saw this week had mothers as central characters, and they could not have been more different. “Mary Jane” is loving, self-sacrificing and always positive, while Phyliss in “Mother Pl …Read more
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? The newest Broadway musical. And if you think Spongebob Squarepants sounds like a terrible idea for a Broadway musical – you’re not alone. That’s exactly what director Tina Landau thought when she was asked to …Read more
Before we begin our scheduled programming — a review of SpongeBob Squarepants The Musical, now onstage at Broadway’s Palace Theatre for its New York City premiere — pardon me a very brief pop-academic lecture (that I am qualified to give because of a …Read more