Wolf in the River – Adam Rapp’s new play, being performed by The Bats at The Flea – is an impressionistic look at the destitute and depraved. It is something like a True Detective nightmare imagined by a young Tracy Letts, but it is neither exploitat …Read more
From Cupid’s love-tipped arrows to Shakespeare’s Puck administering the juice of a magic flower upon a quartet of young lovers in A Midsummer’s Night Dream, to the tragic tale of Tristan and Iseult, a love potion is a powerful way to propel a plot fo …Read more
Donizetti’s opera about the last days of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I has not been seen on the New York stage in more than thirty years. When a new production directed by Sir David McVicar premiered last Thursday, it was greeted with more applause, …Read more
During a Broadway season that has been so praised for its diversity in terms of racial equality, Bright Star, sticks out like the sorest of thumbs, as it presents a portrait of utter whiteness that is almost blindingly bright to behold. Set in the No …Read more
New Yorkers might find it odd to think that there is a huge celebration of Los Angeles going on right in the heart of Times Square, and yet that is precisely what is happening in Figaro! (90210) playing at The Duke on 42nd Street. The show, first pre …Read more
Walking into the T. Schreiber Theatre for Natural Life, a new play by Eduardo Ivan Lopez, I’m immediately struck by the simple yet powerful set. Even before the show begins, the austere, off-angle columns with television panels mounted within, an ova …Read more
I don’t know about you, but lately my social media feed has been exceptionally hostile. Peppered in amongst the usual think pieces and cat videos are comment exchanges that an outside observer might assume were between mortal enemies, but are ostensi …Read more
Kenneth Lonergan’s This is Our Youth has become something of a New York theater staple in the past few decades. It is never too long until another revival is ready; this is surely due in part to the fact that its subject of spoiled, reckless, rich Ma …Read more
The Improbable Fall, Rise & Fall of John Law: A New Play About Money, is a long title indeed, but then a shorter one wouldn’t do the real John Law’s improbable life justice. At over two hours long, it is but part one, as in the fall and rise. The …Read more
The Little Opera Theatre of NY’s production of Chevalier de Saint-Georges’ L’amant Anonyme is an exercise in restrained beauty that should inspire other opera companies to remember that the power of the artform isn’t bound by the size of the venue wh …Read more