It has been over a year since Broadway theaters shut down, putting tens of thousands of people out of work. As more people are getting vaccinated and restaurants, gyms and bars are increasing operating capacity,theaters have still remained dark. That …Read more
The statistics are staggering and heartbreaking. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 1 out of 7 children was food-deprived. Now it is estimated that 1 out of 4 children is going hungry. With schools closed, an estimated 850,000 NYC kids are missing meals e …Read more
This article has nothing to do with Theater, other than the fact that New York City is the home of Broadway and more. And we heard about a restaurant in the East Village that’s going way beyond the call in helping out. But instead of us talking abou …Read more
Leila Sales has created a new choose-your-own-adventure game specifically designed for the lockdown: Ada and the Lost Horizon. It’s a scavenger hunt within the confines of your own home; a real-world Ready Player One experience; and a community-orien …Read more
What do you do when the show you are working on goes on hiatus and you are self-quarantined? If you are a member of a theater union like Theatrical Wardrobe Union Local 764 IATSE or United Scenic Artists Local USA 829, you may find yourself with lots …Read more