ABC recently premiered its spin-off from the wildly popular "Once Upon A Time", called "Once Upon A Time In Wonderland". The series was created by "Once Upon A Time" writer Jane Espenson, a name many will recognize in connection with the brilliant "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". Espenson made a name for herself in the science-fiction community, contributing to shows like "Battlestar Galactica", "Caprica", "Firefly", "Dollhouse", "Torchwood", and "Warehouse 13" (of which she was a creator). She also started the web-series "Husbands" with partner Brad Bell.
Espenson doesn't stick strictly to television, as she has written several comic book continuations of shows she's worked on, namely "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "Husbands", and "Once Upon A Time". We caught up with Jane at New York Comic Con, where she taught us about the difference between writing for television and writing for comics, as well as sharing her favorite fairy tale.