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November 5, 2013
DOC NYC Review: We Always Lie To Strangers

When you think of the greatest entertainment cities of the country, you likely think of New York City or Las Vegas, but lying between those East and West Coast havens is the neon-lit entertainment strip of Branson, Missouri. This piece of America's heartland boasts 50 different theaters, which collectively contain more seats than NYC's legendary Broadway. Even if the shows are kitschy and the names aren't big, these Bransonites make a fine living performing for enthusiastic tourists.

"We Always Lie To Strangers" follows four different performance groups that can be found on the Branson strip. There's the Presley's (no relation to Elvis), the first family to bring a show to Branson way back in the 60s; The Lennon's (no relation to John), a family of entertainers whose Liberal bend sticks out like a sore thumb in the mostly Republican city; The Magnificent Variety Show, a show new to the strip that is struggling to find success; and Showstoppers, who perform fast-paced medleys on a boat.

Directors AJ Schnack and David Wilson delve deep into the lives of these groups and find a relatable human story in each. What seems like a random selection of people is actually a unique approach to discussing topics like the economy, politics, religion, homosexuality, and family. The most affecting and engaging story is that of Chip Holderman, a gay performer who is trying to maintain a good relationship with his ex-wife and two young sons in the face of extreme prejudice from his ex's new husband. Holderman's situation is microcosmic of the widespread hate that homosexuals still face from Bible Thumpers, and seeing it up close and personal is eye-opening.

Though watching these groups waver due to our current economic crisis is depressing, "We Always Lie To Strangers" is still a rewarding slice of Americana. People that much of the country perceive as hillbillies are all too eager to let us know that we've been taken in by our own preconceptions. The Presley's love putting on hillbilly comedy shows, but they only do it because that's what the tourists expect out of those in the middle of the country. These folks are anything but simple, and their lives can be just as exciting as those in NYC...and just as heartbreaking.

"We Always Lie To Strangers" makes its NYC debut at DOC NYC on Nov 16 @ 4:30 PM at the IFC Center. A second showing will be on Nov 18 @ 10:45 AM.

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Written by: Nicholas DeNitto
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