In Dancer, Academy Award-nominated director Steven Cantor points his laser-focus on one of the most awe-inspiring creatures of the ballet world: Sergei Polunin. Considered by many to be this generation’s Nureyev, Polunin isn’t just fascinating as a d …Read more
A town frozen in perpetual mourning after a devasting natural disaster; a priest trying to coax them back to life without losing their favour; a lonely young man in need of direction but unable to follow his peers to the big city. There is a compelli …Read more
Horror is a genre for jaded and cynical idealists. Theoretically, horror could yield perfect movies — entirely experiential, composed of sight and sound that operate together on a visceral level, with conflict rooted directly in fundamental psycholog …Read more
On January 7th, 2015, French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo paid an absurd, immeasurable price for printing cartoons featuring the prophet Mohammed, when two brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, members of the Yemen branch of al-Qaeda, opened fire in …Read more
Never has there been better subject matter for a mockumentary than the faking of the moon landing, as explored in Operation Avalanche, a new film by Matt Johnson. This comedy/thriller sees two young CIA agents in 1967 go undercover at NASA disguised …Read more
At first glance Kirsten Johnson’s Cameraperson seems to be a film about choices. None of the images we see in the film would fit together if it wasn’t for the fact she chose to shoot them, and then assemble them into a single piece. And yet, there is …Read more
Marcin Wrona’s Demon, is extraordinarily striking for a great number of reasons, but perhaps none more so than for how very eerily spectral even the un-possessed human characters seem. Rarely does a horror film weave such a tapestry as this, such tha …Read more
Gonzalo (Alvaro Ogalla) is ready to quit the church, but the church isn’t quite ready to let go of him yet. That is the premise of Federico Veiroj’s incisively hilarious The Apostate, which details the complex, confusing process of officially renounc …Read more
Chris Kelly’s Other People opens with one of the boldest scenes of 2016, as we see a dead woman laying in bed, surrounded by her family who sob desperately while trying to comfort each other. Then the phone rings and the machine picks it up, we hear …Read more
Director Christian Carion made his name with the 2005 film Joyeux Noël, which told the true story of an unofficial armistice that took place on Christmas of 1914 between French and German troops. The moment might be seen as the last gasp of those who …Read more