The marble pillars of American higher education are eroding. Unless one is directly affected by the changes involved, the breakdown isn’t getting noticed. Starving the Beast is the first and only film thus far addressing this crisis. Among the major …Read more
In Somnus, the first feature film by Chris Reading, humanity is doomed, again, because of atomic bombs, again, and a female AI wants to kill everyone, again. Unfocused and underdone, from the script, to the performances, to the camera work, it was as …Read more
Should Madonna ever leave a message on your voicemail offering to lend kabbalah books, you’ve either joined a high-end, wearisome book club or you’ve gone too far. Laura Albert, the woman behind the early noughties “avatar” publishing sensation JT Le …Read more
The man at the center of The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger is highly regarded as one of England’s most influential writers, art critics and thinkers, a subject most certainly worthy of a film created by some of his dear friends who …Read more
Within the first five minutes of Complete Unknown, we see Rachel Weisz go from being an environmental student looking for a room, to wearing scrubs and calmly asking a patient to breathe in and out, to sitting in a car wearing a business suit, to smi …Read more
At her very young age, Ripley Sobo has already starred in films opposite Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Michael Fassbender and Ben Affleck, not to mention she played the title role in the Broadway production of Matilda. Now she gets a chance …Read more
A fledgling young model is plucked from obscurity to pursue her dreams of stardom in the cutthroat Paris fashion scene in The Model, directed by Mads Matthiesen. Away from her life in Denmark, Emma (played by newcomer and real-life model Maria Palm) …Read more
Spa Night slyly opens amidst the sauna fog where a male body with a toweled head lunges forward with strained exhalation. But then, the towel is plucked off to revealed a young male not engaged in any sexual activity, but soaking in the steam with hi …Read more
DC Comics hugely popular character of Batman made his first appearance in 1939. His appeal to audiences was immediately obvious and the character was given his own magazine the following year. Unique amongst superheroes, Bruce Wayne’s bat-inspired al …Read more
In Clément Cogitore’s haunting Neither Heaven Nor Earth a group of French soldiers stationed in the Afghan desert face their worst enemy as members of the group begin mysteriously disappearing one by one. The absence of corpses or knowledge of the fi …Read more