Just like its extremely long title, The First Church of Mary, the Repentant Prostitute’s FIFTH ANNUAL!!! Benefit Concert, and Pot Luck Dinner, turns out to be a little too much. The show is set in an evangelical church in Nashville where service is p …Read more
The National Theatre of Ireland, Dublin’s Abbey Theatre, has a history that, other than a bit of infamous seat-tearing, was instrumental in the country’s vast political changes in the first quarter of the 20th century. In its newest transatlantic off …Read more
The initial concept of Joshua Young’s Who Mourns for Bob the Goon? is intriguing enough in and of itself to entice the audience into its labyrinthine plot: Bob (Alex Teachy) believes that he is Bob the Goon, one of the Joker’s henchmen from 1989’s Ba …Read more
In a world that trades in nostalgia and where everything old is new again, it makes sense to see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cats come back to Broadway. The show ran in New York from 1982 to 2000 shattering records and amassing equal amounts of adoration a …Read more
Look, I’m as gung-ho as one could be when it comes to immersive theater. All right, so I’ve historically cringed at the “do we have any volunteers in the audience?” question, but I’ve always been the first to suggest a murder mystery dinner party, an …Read more
Richard Strand’s Butler, making its New York debut with the New Jersey Repertory Company at 59E59 Theaters, is, we are told, based on real events. Elegantly directed by Joseph Discher, the well-written play takes place within the first year of the A …Read more
Imagine being in a long term relationship with someone who you see every day. By now you know all their quirks, tics and pet peeves. You know how they take their coffee, what their favorite song is, what side of the bed they prefer, and you can even …Read more
A Scythe of Time, an impressive new musical and part of the 2016 New York Musical Festival, combines expert storytelling with a musically complex score and an absolutely superb cast. Based on two short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, How to Write a Blac …Read more
In its 30th anniversary season, PTP/NYC’s (Potomac Theater Project) directors and co-artistic directors Richard Romagnoli and Jim Petosa have revived two 1981 plays from the company’s infancy, Howard Barker’s No End of Blame: Scenes of Overcoming, an …Read more
Who is the modern day equivalent of Elvis Presley? Is it Justin Bieber with his unique hairdos and sigh-inducing dance moves? Or Kanye West with his larger than life personality and hogging of the media? Is the modern Elvis actually a woman like Beyo …Read more