A new biographical drama, Adam, now playing at Castillo Theatre, tells the true story of African-American civil rights leader Adam Clayton Powell Jr., a United States congressman from 1945 to 1971. He was a man who knew that mass action was the most …Read more
Linda, currently running at the Manhattan Theatre Club, takes the name of a single character, the protagonist of the story, but represents generations of women struggling with “new” feminism, one that encourages women to have it all. The play, writte …Read more
Raging hormones meet unexpected terror in the world premiere of writer/director Erica Schmidt’s All the Fine Boys, presented by the New Group at The Pershing Square Signature Center. In truth, this is not a play about friendship, but it introduces it …Read more
Those who only know Juan Pablo Di Pace for his performance as the ditzy, Latin lover Fernando in Fuller House, might be surprised to discover that besides his good looks, and spot on comedic timing, he is also an accomplished musical theatre performe …Read more
When stories and histories get passed down, what details get left behind? How we tell stories — and what gets left out — sits at the heart of the ephemera trilogy, a visual piece written and performed by Kimi Maeda that forces us to think about what …Read more
Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter Melissa Manchester makes her return to Feinstein’s/54 Below for four performances only this March. On Friday, March 3rd and Saturday, March 4th, Ms. Manchester will take the stage at her favorite NYC performance …Read more
Is artistic creation more important than a romantic relationship? Are children or art the only things of value a human being can leave behind when they cease to exist? Is creativity hereditary? The questions at the center of Stephen Sondheim and Jame …Read more
Wallace Shawn’s Evening at the Talk House puts the audience onstage even before the lights change. Upon entering the Signature Theater space, actress Jill Eikenberry, holding aloft a tray of multicolored fluid in plastic cups, asked me if I wanted a …Read more
The dining scene of New York’s Theater District is quickly becoming one of the best of the city, and few people know it better than the actors who call the neighborhood their second home. In this installment of thEATer, we chatted with Justin Keats, …Read more
The horror of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting still resonates today, more than four years later. Roundabout Theatre Company’s one-woman show On The Exhale addresses this atrocity through the monologue of a woman who finds herself unexpected …Read more