I am an ardent fan of Kneehigh, a magically innovative theater company based in Cornwall, England, having seen their unique productions of Tristan and Yseult and The Wild Bride, both based on ancient archetypal tales, and Brief Encounter, adapted fro …Read more
It’s only three days to Election Day and Senator Charles Whitmore’s (Rob Nagle) who is seeking re-election decides it’s time to let his constituents know who he really is when he goes off-script during a speech and talks about his issues with God. Ja …Read more
“Today, when the foundations of our democracy are under assault, we want to reconsider the promise and peril of radical activism and dissent.” Taking note of the political climate, theater collective the Assembly has remounted their enthralling ensem …Read more
The current revival of Miss Saigon marks the triumphant return of the hit musical to Broadway, transplanted from a successful West End revival. The beloved show, written by Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alain Boublil, with lyrics by Boublil and Richard …Read more
In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel, Tennessee Williams’s 1969 one-act (two scene) play, is such a dark, bitter work that it would seem wrong to call seeing it a “rare treat.” But the current production (at the tiny 292 Theatre in the East Village) will be a …Read more
The grief surrounding a mass shooting affects us all, but none more than the victims’ families. Courtney Baron moves in a new direction with her play When It’s You, which wonders about the people directly impacted by a mass shooting not through the v …Read more
With electricity came not just practicality, but a whole new way to impress artistically. At least, that’s what Steele MacKaye (Rocco Sisto) thinks. With Hillary (Erik Lochtefeld) as his head electrician, Steele plans to build the Spectatorium, a 12, …Read more
Probably the most important thing to realize about Gino Dilorio’s Sam and Dede, or My Dinner with André the Giant is that it is really quite a lot of fun. This is a great service to the factual characters upon which this play is based. Sam and Dede, …Read more
Haram! Iran! is an emotional roller coaster well worth the ride. Based on a true story, the play by Jay Paul Deratany depicts the trial and conviction of two teenagers when they make a genuine connection with each other after being assigned as study …Read more
What happens when tragedy strikes a hitherto perfect life? When the privileged clash with those less fortunate? These are the questions that playwright Bruce Graham asks in his new play White Guy on the Bus, a social commentary now playing at 59E59 T …Read more