Sara Fellini’s The Wake of Dorcas Kelly, presented by spit&vigor in the offbeat, historic Players Theatre in Greenwich Village, is a spirited production of a darkly humorous story. If it doesn’t always hit the mark, it’s full of enough wicked hum …Read more
There’s a lot of real estate in Manhattan, but have you ever thought about the real estate six feet under? The Extremely Grey Line, a 23.5° Tilt Production, takes exactly that angle. On a walking tour of Greenwich Village, an “unrealtor” shows you so …Read more
NEW YORK CITY – The Queerly Festival is back with plays, solo performances, music, comedy, and more from New York City’s indie-est LGBTQ+ artists. FRIGID New York continues to require vaccinations and masks for all in-person attendees, but virtual li …Read more
Cabaret favorite, Kim Smith, returns to the stage this Christmas – even if he can only be watched from the internet, he’s still not to be missed. He’s performing a livestream from Club Cumming (Alan Cumming’s downtown venue) along with pianist Tracy …Read more
One of the many wonderful venues supporting live shows in New York City is a beautiful little restaurant in the East Village called “Pangea”. Not only is there a great restaurant in front, but as you walk to the back room, you are taken to an old wo …Read more
Four people. One day. Countless opportunities for screwing up. In the English-language World Premiere of A Day, written by Québecoise playwright Gabrielle Chapdelaine and translated by Josephine George, four seemingly unconnected individuals n …Read more
For actor Tim Palmer, born and raised in the English countryside, moving to NYC to pursue theatre was a bit of a culture shock. But if his recent explosive performance in Nylon Fusion’s The Listening Room is any indication, he’s adjusting fine. Recen …Read more
This article has nothing to do with Theater, other than the fact that New York City is the home of Broadway and more. And we heard about a restaurant in the East Village that’s going way beyond the call in helping out. But instead of us talking abou …Read more
New York: The Nominating Committee of the Off Broadway Alliance has announced important dates for the 10th Annual Off Broadway Alliance Awards: Nominations Announcement: Tuesday, April 28 Winners Announcement: Tuesday, May 19, 2019 via Facebo …Read more
Nothing can defeat the spunky Molly Brown – not poverty, hunger, illiteracy or even a sinking ship. She reminds us of her feisty spirit when she sings “till I leave the rear / It’s from the rear you’ll hear/ I ain’t down yet.” It has taken years, and …Read more