Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story (at 59E59 Theaters) is definitely a different kind of theatrical experience. Conceptually, it’s beautiful: a cast and set that emerge from a giant shipping crate, a klezmer score, a story about Jewish refugees in searc …Read more
March is Women’s History Month. What better way to spend a few hours than with Calamity Jane, a real life frontierswoman and professional scout? Presented by Musicals Tonight!, the musical Calamity Jane has a short run from March 13-25 at the Lion T …Read more
Three separate couples occupy room 719 at the Plaza Hotel on different days in 1966 to hilarious effect in Neil Simon’s classic three-act comedy Plaza Suite. Directed by Alexander Harrington and presented by The Gallery Players in Park Slope, a commo …Read more
Good for Otto, presented by the New Group at Signature Theater, offers a master class in acting from its impressive cast, yet the meandering plot and three-hour running time diminish the potency of its striking performances. Ed Harris is Dr. Michaels …Read more
In Urban Stages’ solo show Dogs of Rwanda a character who was witness to the 100 days of genocide in Rwanda struggles with the isolation that such knowledge brings. With exquisite writing by Sean Christopher Lewis, the play seeks to show us that thou …Read more
In Henry James’ 1903 novella The Beast in the Jungle, a man named John Marcher fails to connect with a woman who cares for him. Marcher has a premonition that something horrible will befall him in life, and when that “beast in the jungle” inevitably …Read more
Sex, motorcycles, the Vietnam War, refugee camps, potty-mouthed moms and soul-bearing raps: these and much more make up Qui Nguyen’s Vietgone, currently playing at American Conservatory Theatre’s Strand Theatre here in San Francisco. The over two-hou …Read more
In its first revival, appropriately debuting on International Women’s Day, R.T. Robinson’s work The Cover of Life depicts all the hopes and regrets women face, no matter how happy they are with the choices they make. Set in 1943, the show opens with …Read more
There’s been some well-intentioned talk in the last couple of years about how artists might help bridge the chasm between red states and blue, or—maybe even trickier—the gap between red and blue factions within a single community. So far, the talk se …Read more
What it’s about: Set in San Francisco in 1986, the musical centers around Harry (Adam Heller), an amiable but lonely retired kosher butcher, who enrolls in a writing class taught by Barbara (Julia Knitel), a young lesbian writing teacher, at the seni …Read more