Pop music is often judged and misunderstood for its lack of substance and depth, as if catchiness and joy were any less important than the depictions of pain and loss explored in other musical genres. It appears that the creatives behind KPOP (concei …Read more
Rinde Eckert defies the conventions of form and structure with his boundary-pushing works which combine opera, musical theatre, film and dance. As a librettist he’s reinvented works of literature, as a composer he’s channeled personal history through …Read more
We seem to experience bursts of elation whenever some whiz-bang gerontologist suggests that human life can be extended in ways previously considered impossible. It’s as if we’ve all been offered an extension on a lease for a property we thought we’d …Read more
Andy Halliday’s new play at Theatre for the New City, Up the Rabbit Hole, is a tale sweetly told, autobiographical in nature and well cast (kudos to David McDermott). Evenly directed by G.R. Johnson, the play lays out the story of a young dancer, Jac …Read more
TOSOS (The Other Side of Silence) was an Off-Broadway theater company run by the inimitable Doric Wilson, whose passing was felt deeply by the Off- and Off-Off Broadway theatre community he served so well. Fortunately, the company was resurrected in …Read more
In Petie, a new play written by and starring Lori Fischer and directed by Martha Banta, the dark mistakes that haunt us never leave the downstage corner of our minds. This well-performed, thoughtful drama about a family haunted by a tragedy explores …Read more
Puppeteer James Godwin is bringing back his critically acclaimed show The Flatiron Hex to New York, where it’s running at HERE Arts Center through the end of September. We caught up with him to talk about his craft, designing puppets, and making the …Read more
After the success of the first installment of The Joshua Show, puppeteer Joshua Holden wanted to spread more kindness and good vibes to audience members of all ages, which is why he’s currently doing the second part at HERE Arts Center. We spoke to H …Read more
Rachel Tucker is making her Feinstein’s/54 Below solo debut this week. We caught up with her via e-mail to learn what she has in store for the shows, playing beloved characters, and how Oz has influenced her life. You played Elphaba longer than any o …Read more
When his two guardians ship eleven-year-old Edgar Allan off to boarding school, he couldn’t be happier. It’s a chance to sharpen his skills and gain an unparalleled education. Most importantly, it presents him with a whole new playing field to …Read more