The key to unlocking Zayd Dohrn’s The Profane lies in the seemingly innocuous double casting of Francis Benhamou, the vibrant actor who plays Aisa and Dania, the former is the eldest daughter of Raif (Ali Reza Farahnakian) a first-generation Middle E …Read more
Theater Reconstruction Ensemble’s (TRE) meta-theatrical play How to Hamlet, or Hamleting Hamlet is a mind trip to the inner workings of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Four actors are unexpectedly tasked with cobbling together a production of one of the most f …Read more
Four sets of people live out their lives in the same country house but in different time periods. Talking Band’s The Room Sings, written and directed by Paul Zimet with music composed by Ellen Maddow, is a patchwork of familiar stories about family, …Read more
On his website, pastiche playwright Charles Mee says describes his characters as “people through whom the culture speaks, often without the speakers knowing it.” The New Stage Theatre Company celebrates their new 106th Street home, the New Stage Perf …Read more
The threats plaguing the working class in 2017 are, unfortunately, as American as apple pie. For a nation founded on policies of liberty and justice, greed and exploitation run so rampant that the achievement of the former feels impossible. American …Read more
More than ten years since our favorite modern age demigod won us over, Percy Jackson is back in a deliciously dorky new musical. Playing at the Lucille Lortel Theatre, The Lighting Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical is sure to win over the books’ young …Read more
William Inge’s Come Back, Little Sheba (1950) seems to owe much to the plays of his friend and mentor (and probable sex partner) Tennessee Williams—and in particular to 1944’s The Glass Menagerie. For instance, when Inge’s protagonist, Lola Delaney, …Read more
Scott and Ralph live together but might as well be continents apart. Even when they’re sitting next to each other, they are glued to their devices: Scott to his phone on which he types furiously at all times, and Ralph to his laptop where he’s updati …Read more
Everyone knows communication is key when it comes to relationships, but that rarely means everyone knows how to put that theory to practice. That’s certainly the case in Loose Ends, as the silence between the play’s central couple only grows through …Read more
It’s hard to forget the 2010 news images of the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout, the pathetically sad marine life gasping for air, daubed in the viscid black oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico for 87 days. Despite BP paying a record-breaking $18 b …Read more